Sunday, August 7, 2011

a broken heart

My heart is breaking today for the 31 American lives lost in the helicopter crash in Afghanistan.  While that made the print media (I don't know about the liberal mainstream media since I didn't get a chance to get to a tv), I wonder how many of our young men and women lost limbs, suffered traumatic experiences and suffered other injuries in this senseless conflict?

My thoughts and prayers are with those families who had to suffer through the pain of having to answer the door and see a uniformed member of the military standing there.  I often thought of how I would react to such an event.  My sister told me of someone she heard of coming down the street to see two uniformed marines standing on her front porch.  She stopped the car in the middle of the street, got out, ran to them and started to beat them up.  I do not know how I would react and I thank God I do not ever have to know. 

As awful as that phone call was on July 23, 2011 at 9:28 a.m., I am so glad that it was NOT a knock on the door.  As hard as it is to see Derek lying in the bed suffering through surgeries, treatments, doctors visits, etc., I am so glad that I did not have to hear the 21-gun salute, receive the folded flag and stand in the cemetery as I laid my 21 year old son to rest.

The pain that those families, and so many others, are having to face is tearing me apart tonight.

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